At Southeast Bully Kennels, we have dedicated years to amassing and disseminating knowledge about various dog breeds. Our goal is to enhance dog ownership in every aspect, whether it's breeding, pet care, or training future champions. We invite you to explore our dog blog, where we share our expertise and passion for dogs through informative and engaging doggy blogging. We appreciate your input and experiences and anticipate connecting with you on all matters related to our canine companions.

A person holding a gray puppy outdoors.

Guide to Deworming Your Bully Puppy: Steps and Precautions

Before starting any deworming process, consult with your veterinarian to ensure the proper treatment for...
A man in a red shirt holding a white bulldog wearing a camouflage jacket.

Delivering Bully Puppies & Defying the Unexpected

On a memorable Mother's Day, I embarked on a journey to Canada from Southeast Bully...
A small dog standing next to a tree.

Welcoming a Bully Puppy into Your Home & Ensuring a Happy Life

1. Prepare your home:    a. Remove hazards: Secure electrical cords, remove small items that can...
Five dogs of various colors peeking through a metal fence.

Enhancing Your Dog’s Health & Longevity: Organic Home Care

1. **Balanced Diet:** Organic dog food is made from high-quality, natural ingredients that are free...
A young girl embracing a large, grey dog with a joyful expression.

How to Keep Your Pup Safe: Foods Bully Dog Should Never Eat

Many American Bully, Exotic Bully, and Dog owners enjoy treating their canine companions with human...
A child and a dog running together on a park pathway.

How To Make Your American Bully An Emotional Support Animal (ESA)

To make your American Bully or Exotic Bully an emotional support animal (ESA), follow these...
Blonde Extreme Build Pocket American Bully

Caring for Your American Bully or Exotic Bully After a C-Section: A Comprehensive Guide

Bringing your female American Bully or Exotic Bully home from the vet after a C-section...
A gray puppy with a black patch over its eye standing on grass with trees in the background.

Natural Remedies and Effective Strategies: Banishing Yeast Infections in Dogs

To get rid of yeast infections in dogs, try the following treatments and preventive measures:...
A muscular brown dog with a black harness sits on a grassy field.

Top 20 Healthy Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Here are 20 healthy dog food recipes for your puppy or grown dog: Tag us...
Gray dog with a harness chewing on a yellow toy.

Top 20 Homemade Frozen Dog Treats

Homemade Frozen Dog Treat Recipes: For all recipes, mix ingredients together in a bowl. Pour...