A micro bully puppy for sale sitting in the grass looking at the camera.

Pros & Cons of Different Bully Feeding Techniques & Methods

Are you feeding your Bully, right? At Southeast Bully Kennels, we understand the importance of proper nutrition for American Bullies. Explore the pros and cons of different Bully feeding techniques to choose the best method for your furry friend.

  1. Free Feeding 

In this feeding technique, the food is kept out for the pet to eat whenever it wants. 


  • It takes the responsibility off the owner, making it a convenient option.
  • It is best for canines that have self-regulated eating habits to prevent overeating.
  • Suitable for dogs that have slower metabolism.
  • Ideal for dogs that need frequent but small meals.


  • Dogs that don’t have self-control can overeat, which can make them vulnerable to obesity.
  • Since there is no way of monitoring the dog’s food intake, it is difficult to assess changes in appetite or gut-related issues.
  • If you have more than one dog in the house, this Bully-feeding technique is unsuitable as it can result in resource guarding and competition.
  1. Scheduled Meals


  • When you set a routine for feeding an American bully puppy or dog, there is no stress of overeating.
  • The dog’s appetite can be easily monitored, so any changes in its food habits are easily noticeable. 
  • Since the pet eats controlled portions as per a feeding schedule, their digestive health remains good. 
  • You don’t have to worry about competition or resource guarding in the case of multiple pets.


  • Due to the feeding schedule, the owner has to dedicate time and effort consistently.
  • This American Bully feeding technique is unsuitable for dogs that need to eat small, more frequent meals.
  1. Wet Food


  • The wet food technique is good for dogs because it helps keep them hydrated all the time. The increased moisture in the food also supports their urinary tract health.
  • Bullies that are picky eaters or have appetite-related issues often find this feeding technique more palatable.
  • Wet food is easy to chew & digest. Thus, it is a good option for aged dogs with missing teeth or any other dental problems.


  • These food items have shorter shelf lives. This means you must refrigerate the items after opening and finish them quickly.
  • Usually more expensive than dry food options.
  • Storage and transportation can be problematic.
  1. Dry Food


  • Dry food items usually have longer shelf lives and are easy to transport and store.
  • The kibble facilitates tooth cleaning while chewing, making the food item good for dental health.
  • Usually, it is not as expensive as wet food items.
  • If your dog is a slow eater or you use slow feeder toys or bowls, this one is the right Bully feeding technique. 
  • It helps in mental stimulation, too.


  • For some canine pets, dry food may not be as tasty as wet food items.
  • Dogs need to keep drinking water to stay hydrated as the moisture content is less than wet food items.
  • Most pet dry foods may consist of low-quality ingredients or fillers. 
  1. Homemade Meals 


  • Pet owners have more control over what to feed a micro bully, especially ingredients. Thus, you can address specific issues your pets have, like allergies and sensitivities.
  • If prepared correctly, these meals can be nutritious and tasty.
  • Meals can be customized as per the dog’s preferences, needs, and health conditions.


  • It consumes more time and effort to make food.
  • Pet owners need to understand canine nutrition to prepare a balanced diet thoroughly.
  • It can be costlier than commercial dog food.

Choosing the right feeding method for your American Bully is essential to their health and happiness. Whether you’re feeding an American Bully puppy or deciding what to feed a Micro Bully, understanding the pros & cons of each feeding technique ensures your pup thrives. We always suggest you consult a vet for personalized guidance.