Top 10 Care Tips for Your Pocket Bully Puppy

The Pocket Bully, a smaller version of the American Bully, is beloved for its affection and loyalty. They are laid back and playful, making a perfect family pet. However, proper pocket bully care is essential to keep them healthy and happy. 

Here are ten pocket bully puppy tips to help you care for them effectively and ensure their well-being.

10 Best Tips for Pocket Bully Care

Tip 1: The Right Nutrition

Just like our children, we need to ensure that our pocket bully puppy gets a balanced diet rich in protein and essential nutrients. It is of utmost importance to maintain the pocket bully’s health. The nutritional requirements of pups are different from those of adult dogs of this breed. 

A nutritious diet helps them grow faster and better. Choose only high-quality puppy food with meat as a main ingredient. Protein is necessary for the dog’s muscular development, calcium is necessary for bone growth, and DHA is required for brain development.

What to avoid? You should avoid foods like wheat, soy, and corn. These have too much fiber for these pups to digest.  Also, it’s always advised to stick to a feeding routine to prevent over-feeding and obesity. 

Tip 2: Grooming

Pocket bully’s grooming is also important for the overall well-being of your little puppy. Follow these tips for proper grooming:

  • Brush their coat regularly to reduce shedding. 
  • Bathing should be part of the dog’s monthly routine—once a month is a must. Use shampoos made specifically for pocket bullies.
  • Trim their nails regularly. 
  • Brush their teeth regularly with a dog toothpaste & toothbrush.
  • Don’t forget to clean their ears.  

What else should be taken care of? Grooming should be started as early as possible so that your puppy becomes habitual to the grooming routine and learns to embrace it happily. 

Tip 3: Veterinary Check-ups

Regular vet check-ups every six months are necessary to ensure pocket bullies’ health. It is necessary to consider regular screening from a vet for proactive management of any health conditions. Early diagnoses of health problems can help them stay fit and fine.

Tip 4: Socialization

Your pocket bully pup should be encouraged to socialize from an early age. You must take them out to interact with people, dogs, and animals so they can adjust to the new environment quickly and easily. This also helps the puppy grow up healthily. 

You can ensure effective pocket bully care through socialization classes and playdates. Such activities allow them to learn new things and develop positive behaviors. 

Tip 5: Training and Obedience

Another important tip for a pocket bully pup is to start training early, setting a foundation for them to become well-behaved adult dogs. 

You hire a trainer and start with basic commands like leash training, sitting, etc. As these pups are intelligent, it is easy to train them. Start with positive reinforcements and short training sessions.

Tip 6: Exercise and Play

Up next, indulge your pocket bully puppy in regular exercise and play sessions. As these puppies are playful, daily activities and engagement are important. You can take them out for walks and schedule a playtime. Use interactive toys to drive their engagement levels and develop positive behaviors.

Tip 7: Oral Hygiene

Oral care of puppies is often overlooked, but it is an equally important part of your pocket bully grooming standards. The dental care routine should include brushing the pup’s teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste, which are particularly made for dogs. Apart from brushing, encourage the puppy to play with dental toys to prevent plaque buildup. 

Tip 8: Preventative Care

It is crucial to vaccinate your pocket bully pup promptly. The vet’s recommendations should be followed. From shots for kennel cough to rabies, distemper, and parvovirus, the vet will advise you on the proper vaccination routine you must follow effectively. Preventive care includes deworming and protecting them from fleas, ticks, etc.

Tip 9: Comfortable Life

It is crucial to offer a safe and comfortable living environment for the pocket bully puppy’s well-being. This includes the correct kernel, a comfortable bed, suitable toys, and more. You must also remove toxic plants or tiny objects for their safety, as they tend to mouth most of the things around them.

Tip 10: Love and Attention

Our last and most important pocket bully care tip is to give as much love and care as you can. Just like human kids, your furry family members also need quality time and positive reinforcement. Spending quality time together and regular interactions can help strengthen your bond with the pet. It further promotes the pup’s emotional well-being and helps them grow into a happy & confident adult dog.

Bring Home A New Family Member, a Pocket Bully Puppy from Southeast Bully Kennels

Pocket bully puppy tips include the right nutrition, socializing with animals and humans, providing a comfortable living space, grooming, and regular health check-ups. In addition to these ten care tips, you should also remember to shower the pup with enough love and attention for the pocket bully’s health and well-being. All the care given initially will help the pup mature into a balanced and happy adult dog. 

If you want to bring home a pocket bully puppy, you must visit Southeast Bully Kennels. You can find healthy and vaccinated pocket bullies here. 

A group of pocket bully puppies getting ready to head to their home. Produced by Southeast Bully Kennels, a reputable pocket bully breeder for pocket bully puppies for sale.